Who We Are
A Northern Olympic River Valley
Our Mission...
Inspire youth to protect and explore the outdoors.
By creating a video series of our adventures we hope to show local Washington kids the natural beauty that is right in their backyard! There is always something amazing going on in the natural word, we aim to give kids the tools and inspiration to find it on their own.
Provide tools for teachers to help connect students with the outdoors.
Our videos and additional resources will be aligned to NGSS Standards so that teachers can use them as a classroom tool. Teachers will be able to show individual videos to supplement lessons they are already teaching or lets students explore the website on their own and learn through investigation. The content of our web page is also for individuals who are interested in learning about the Pacific Northwest.
Promote stewardship through example.
While on our adventures we collect data that is useful for students to learn from and also helpful to biologists in the area.
Our Expedition
Over the span of ten days in August 2017, our team of five adventurers plan to hike approximately 60 miles through the Olympic mountains, including a roughly 30 mile stretch of unmaintained trail called the skyline trail. While on this trip, we will film a series of videos that we will later edit into an educational series to be used on the NatureBridge: Olympic campus and in local science classrooms. The purpose of the video series is to foster a sense of place and to inspire a curiosity about the local environment here on the Olympic Peninsula. In addition, our group will collect biological and environmental data along this hard-to- reach, remote area for use by Olympic National Park biologists.
The mountains of the Olympic Peninsula
Follow Along!
Follow us on Facebook or check back to our website for new videos, journals from our trip, and more. You can even follow our progress as we check in via GPS during our expedition by clicking the link below!